We're excited to present this year’s sessions! The conference will feature workshops focused on hands-on learning, 10-minute lightning talks on emerging trends, and 30-minute experience reports offering in-depth insights. The full schedule will be published soon.
Speaking Your Mind: The Why and Where and When and What and How
According to a survey performed by NRK in 2023 36% of people in Norway choose to withhold their opinions because they are afraid of the response.
How can we, as IT professionals, make sure that our spaces are safe to participate in and engage with? How do we make sure that both junior and senior colleagues feel free enough to express their professional opinions, while allowing them to be themselves in the process?
A team where everyone feel comfortable to voice their professional opinions, is a team filled with diverse ideas and thoughts. This allows the team more chances to succeed in their work.
In this session we will look into what speaking your mind means for your team; what forums are appropriate for your opinions; how to recognise when someone is open for your ideas; whether there are any opinions you can keep to yourself; and what considerations to make when you word yourself to your colleague.Kongesalen 1ons. 10:35 - 10:45 -
Kor é logikken??!
Human Centered System Thinking. Systemisk design forklart enkelt og visuelt, med eksempler fra prosjekt i FHI.
Kongesalen 2-3ons. 10:35 - 10:45 -
The beginner's guide to ARIA. How to use it and why you should normally leave it alone.
If you have worked in frontend development for a while, and have tried to make your solutions accessible to all, you have probably encountered a few aria-attributes - small hints to screen readers about how to interpret elements on the web page.
ARIA can be very helpful and in some cases completely necessary to provide users of screen readers the same experience as seeing users. However, it can also be really destructive. There are many reasons why the first rule of ARIA is to not use ARIA (if you can), and why websites with ARIA attributes are generally less accessible than those without any ARIA.
Knowledge is key, so let us dive into how to use ARIA and when to leave it alone, so you can build more accessible solutions with confidence!Kongesalen 4ons. 10:35 - 10:45 -
Hvordan kommunisere godt – 12 prinsipper som er nyttige for alle
God kommunikasjon reduserer misforståelser, sparer tid og bygger tillit. I dette foredraget lærer du hvordan du ved hjelp av klarspråk kan gjøre budskapet ditt så tydelig som mulig, uansett hvem du er og hvem du kommuniserer med. Dette foredraget passer for alle – enten du er utvikler, teamlead eller designer.
Kongesalen 1ons. 10:45 - 10:55 -
Det neste rette: Design for en kompleks verden
Norske virksomheter sløser bort milliarder på produkter og tjenester som ikke funker. Grunnen er at viktige beslutninger baseres på magefølelse og tilfeldigheter - omtrent som i kortspill.
I dette korte foredraget skal vi avlive et par vanlige myter om design, og se på hvordan vi kan ruste virksomhetene våre for å ta bedre beslutninger, skape mer verdi og redusere avfall.Kongesalen 2-3ons. 10:45 - 10:55 -
Why you and BFF should be BFF's
BFF, or Backend For Frontend, is a pattern designed to abstract away details from the frontend, by implementing them in a backend. When you are making an application that authenticates the user through OAuth flows and OpenID Connect, this pattern allows you to make the client a more secure confidential client, instead of a less secure public client.
In this talk I will explain what problems this pattern addresses, when you can use it, and why you should become BFF's with your authentication flows.Kongesalen 4ons. 10:45 - 10:55 -
The power of a story!
This talk will inspire you to use strategic storytelling as a tool to achieve a desired outcome. You will be introduced to a simple model by McKee & Gerace (2018) which you can use to structure your next story in an engaging and convincing way. You will be introduced to heroes, villains, obstacles, and allies and learn how the characters and the plot will create a story that will capture the audience's attention.
Kongesalen 1ons. 10:55 - 11:05 -
Kompetanseheving i arbeidstiden - innspill fra 20 års erfaring
Mange bedrifter velger faste læredager, mens vi har hatt gode erfaringer med å kjøre flere parallelle løp for kompetansedeling; faggruppe, fagdag, fagskoler, fagkaffe, faglunsj, uformell og formell deling. Gjennom 20 år har vi justert og tilpasset våre metoder, og lært mye underveis. Nå har vi en sterk delingskultur som bidrar til høy trivsel blant ansatte, men hva er den mest effektive måten å sette dette i system på?
Vi har gjort tabber det går an å lære av, for eksempel kom ledergruppen begeistret tilbake fra WebSummit i Portugal og bestilte tre Misty roboter - en til hvert kontor. De har stort sett stått og støvet ned i en krok. Forhåpentligvis kan du lære enda mer av hva vi har fått til bra. Vi tar ut noen lærerike statistikker fra timeføringssystemet, har spurt NotebookLM om å tolke oss, og sper på med fortellinger om det vi har erfart er viktigst for en kunnskapsorganisasjon.Kongesalen 2-3ons. 10:55 - 11:05 -
View Transitions: The brand-new browser API that will blow your mind
Have you ever wondered why a well-made native app often feels way smoother than a similar web page? The answer is that native apps have long wielded the full power of seamless transitions, while on the web we have had to use heavy JavaScript frameworks to accomplish anything remotely similar.
That ends now! In this lightning talk we will take a look at the brand new View Transitions API, a browser API that lets you control every aspect of the transition between web pages with just a few lines of CSS. In addition to seeing what the API is capable of we will dive under the hood to see how exactly the API does its magic.Kongesalen 4ons. 10:55 - 11:05 -
Organizing your week as a developer or tech lead
Have you ever felt stressed about priorities, tasks you might have forgotten or missed, things you’re unsure how to handle, or how much time they might take?
Productivity is a science of its own, but we’ll explore some tips and tricks on how to organize your month, week, and day to minimize anxiety and make the most of your time.Kongesalen 1ons. 11:05 - 11:15 -
Why you don’t have to be the smartest person in the room
As developers, we often feel the pressure to keep up with the latest changes, whether it’s a shiny new CSS framework or the hottest AI tool. Without this knowledge, it’s easy to feel less relevant. Let’s be real: keeping track of every trend is nearly impossible and can lead to burnout. But what if I told you that you can still be a kick-ass developer without knowing it all?
In this talk, we’re diving into the concept of Intellectual Humility and how it can transform your mindset as a software developer. I’ll share some of my own stories to show you how this approach can help and, more importantly, how you can use it in your daily work as a dev.
The goal here is to shift your mindset from trying to know everything to focusing on what really matters: staying curious, learning from others, and being okay with not having all the answers.Kongesalen 2-3ons. 11:05 - 11:15 -
Working effectively with your working memory
Our ability to learn and work effectively with code depends on our ability to get concepts from the screen and into sensory memory, through working memory for processing, and then into long-term memory for storage. As the working memory is of quite limited capacity we must use it wisely, but there are strategies we can use to get more out of our limited brains.
Kongesalen 1ons. 11:45 - 11:55 -
Ignite your creative spark: Toolkit for a creative mindset
Everyone can be creative, we just need to learn how to facilitate it and use it. Harnessing creativity requires an awareness of how much your mindset, routines and habits can limit your creative potential, and what to do instead. In this talk, I'll share some of the most common pitfalls of the creative process, and some practical tips to overcome them.
Kongesalen 2-3ons. 11:45 - 11:55 -
Why does Fetch make you wait twice?
Anyone who's worked with the Fetch API in JavaScript has probably wondered why you have to await twice — first for the response and then for the body. If you're anything like me, you probably just accepted this as how the API works and moved on with your work. But now I've gone back and done a deep dive into Fetch so you don't have to!
We'll take a look at how data is transmitted over the Internet and have a closer look at Streams in Javascript. Expect to gain a better understanding of their funky features and how you can use them to your advantage. At the very least, you'll leave with the satisfaction of actually understanding why you need to wait twice when using Fetch.Kongesalen 4ons. 11:45 - 11:55 -
Sommerstudenter - hvorfor gidde?
Sommerstudenter - hvorfor gidde?
Det har de siste par årene blitt en liten Booster-tradisjon å snakke om ferskingene: studentene og juniorene.
I keynotes, erfaringsrapporter og lyntaler har sommerjobber blitt forsvart fra juniorenes perspektiv, lenge før det ble et hett tema. Vi har utforsket hvilke fordeler og utfordringer som følger med å ha juniorer på teamet, og ikke minst hvilket ansvar bransjen har for å fostre neste generasjon utviklere og designere.
Denne diskusjonen ønsker jeg å bidra til, ved å dele mine erfaringer de siste 3 årene som veileder for sommerstudenter.
Hvorfor bruker jeg sommeren min på dette? Hva får jeg ut av rollen som veileder, og hvorfor lar bedriften meg bruke tid jeg ellers kunne fakturert, på å spille Mario Kart og spise is?
Denne talken kan holdes som en lyntale, med fokus på de konkrete fordelene og lærdommene veilederrollen har gitt meg.
Alternativt kan det holdes som en erfaringsrapport, der jeg går mer i dybden på hvordan de forskjellige prosjektene utviklet seg, forskjellene og likhetene, og knytte erfaringer opp mot lærdommer jeg har tatt med meg, og ikke minst breie ut om alle feilene jeg har begått underveis - det er noen utfordringer her og, ikke bare is og Mario Kart.
Mitt håp er å inspirere flere til å engasjere seg, ta en veilederrolle, og bli med å løfte neste generasjon datafolk!
Kan også holdes på engelsk, dersom ønskelig.Kongesalen 1ons. 11:55 - 12:05 -
Seven minute reflections – a team practice for increased learning
This practice is something we stumbled upon, inspired by journaling, personal knowledge management (aka PKM) and Llewellyn Falco's very efficient "observation retrospectives". We tried this in a team and it had some interesting effects. Then we tried it in some more settings and people enjoyed it. Now we just have to share it with the Booster attendees!
Kongesalen 2-3ons. 11:55 - 12:05 -
Why you should put secrets in Git
Encrypted secrets that is! I'll demonstrate tools and techniques that will enable you to version control your secrets alongside the code it belongs to. Easily share secrets with new team members and get a full audit log as a bonus. And it's all according to modern security standards.
I will introduce you to SOPS and how you can use keys stored in secure remote services like Azure Key Vault or HashiCorp Vault. Access is easily controlled through the same IAM you use for other services. I'll also show some gotchas to be aware of, but let's not be afraid of putting our secrets in git!Kongesalen 4ons. 11:55 - 12:05 -
How to make an internal conference worth our time
Effective collaboration is vital in any forward-thinking organization, but it rarely can be established top-down. The developer community at Equinor took a bottom-up approach to make our annual internal conference consistently amazing, with 200 sign-ups within the first hour in 2024. As one of the organizers, I will share some secrets on how to "git commit" and "git merge" a conference that provides learning and reinforces the community.
Kongesalen 1ons. 12:05 - 12:15 -
Unseen, Unheard, Unaccounted: Addressing the Gender Data Gap's Impact on Women
In a world where data drives decisions, the absence of gender-specific data has led to a significant bias against women. In this talk, we will look at how inadequate data representation leads to real-world impacts on our daily lives - from healthcare disparities to flawed AI algorithms. We will also discuss the importance of gender-specific data in creating inclusive systems and services.
Kongesalen 2-3ons. 12:05 - 12:15 -
You don't like OOP, you like Polymorphism
When a programming paradigm becomes as prevalent as Object Oriented Programming, one can lose sight of the bigger picture and more universally applicable ideas can seem like a feature of OOP.
Join me on a brief exploration of how data is structured into types and how polymorphism is the real star of modern programming.Kongesalen 4ons. 12:05 - 12:15 -
Inclusive Design: Creating User Experiences That Embrace Diversity
The talk explores the concept of inclusive design, a design approach that goes beyond traditional accessibility and universal design to create products, interfaces, and experiences that consider the full diversity of human characteristics. It highlights the importance of recognizing and accommodating differences in ethnicity, gender, age, physical abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds to ensure that everyone can benefit from and enjoy digital and physical products.
Kongesalen 1ons. 12:15 - 12:25 -
Fra complianzzZz til bedre produkter!
Compliance blir ofte en plikt vi bare må gjennom før vi skal tilbake til den ekte produktutviklingen. Vi må tenke annerledes om det. Vi må ta perspektivet til produktteam og få compliance inn i den smidige læringssløyfen slik at de raskt finner ut av om det de gjør er OK. Først da er teamene trygge på hva de kan gjøre for å lære om brukernes behov og hvordan de kan løse disse best mulig. Og da lager vi bedre produkter drevet av god compliance.
Kongesalen 2-3ons. 12:15 - 12:25 -
Feature flags: silver bullet eller silver lining?
"Can't we just launch it behind a feature flag?" – a phrase often heard in agile software development. These flags are often a dream for project managers but can turn into a nightmare for developers to implement. Is it really as simple as "just launching on a Friday afternoon" without any worries? What is the actual difference between a release toggle, kill switch, and an A/B testing flag? When is it wise to use feature flags, and when should we avoid them? How can we keep our code clean and prevent it from turning into a tangled mess of spaghetti? We will also explore some of the exciting tools available out there. And last but not least, share our own experiences – both the good and the not-so-good – from Vibbo and Styrerommet apps that we are working on for OBOS.
Kongesalen 4ons. 12:15 - 12:25 -
Scaling agility in Customer Experience at Ford Motor Company
Ive worked with Ford Motor Company and lead the transformation within the launch of the new Ford Explorer (EV). Id love to share my learnings and approaches during the change of the CX organisation across 5 different Markets and cultures affecting multiple hundered people in Sales and Marketing.
Kongesalen 1-4ons. 13:45 - 14:15 -
Continuous accessibility testing
In modern software development, with short sprints or even continuous deployment of code, time for manual testing can often be scarce. If we want to properly test for accessibility, we need to make every effort to automate what can be automated, so we can spend our time where it is most valuable.
By attending this workshop, you will get hands-on experience with different tools to test for accessibility. We will cover linting, unit testing and ui-/integration testing using Eslint, React Testing Library, Cypress and Axe. You will also learn about which types of tests you can't automate, and be introduced to some tools to aid your manual testing.
This workshop is best suited for developers and technical testers, or others who know how to run a Node.js application. In order to get the most out of the time at the workshop, it is beneficial to pre-install Git and Node beforehand.Kongesalen 5ons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
NATS for everything
NATS is a high-performance, open-source messaging system designed for real-time distributed communication, similar to Kafka but lightweight and easy to use. This interactive workshop offers a deep dive into the core capabilities of this technology. Participants will engage with real-time messaging through a live chatroom to experience NATS' pub-sub architecture firsthand using the CLI. From there, they'll collect data from a public API and send it to a NATS JetStream, showcasing persistent data handling. Using key-value buckets, attendees will preserve the state of this data and ultimately use NATS request-reply pattern to create an API in order to retrieve the data. This session not only provides a hands-on exploration of NATS but also demonstrates how it can be applied to real-world data streaming and API creation scenarios, making it an ideal fit for a technically engaged audience. NATS provides client libraries in various programming languages, making the session flexible and accessible.
The workshop hosts are Anders & Morten, who both are developers at Eviny Fornybar in Bergen. At Eviny we use NATS as the core of our data flows, providing our end users with fast and reliable access to data.Bugårdenons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
GitHub Actions Workshop
This workshop will teach you how to use GitHub Actions to automate your workflows.
Our goal with this workshop is to make you gain a basic understanding of GitHub Actions, and to give you the tools to continue learning on your own. Additionally, we want you to be more comfortable and confident in using GitHub Actions in your own projects. Opening up a large repository with many workflows can be intimidating, but we hope that this workshop will make you feel more at home.
Target audience: Beginners and intermediates.Dreggen 3ons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
Supercharging your Developer Experience with Tilt and Telepresence
If you’re using microservices on Kubernetes and want to improve the developer experience for your local setup, you should attend this talk.
In this talk, I’ll cover how you can use Tilt to spin up and work with multiple microservices - all in your local environment. With Telepresence, you can connect to dependent services running on dev/staging environments - during your local development process.
This talk is NOT just tool-focused. Although I’ll cover these tools and how they can work well together, my goal is to help you understand how to improve your local development workflow.
Here are some day-to-day development workflow-related use cases that I’ll cover in the talk
Pull request-based preview environments to deploy into ephemeral namespaces.
Develop and debug services, with dependent services deployed on remote Kubernetes environments.
Make integration easier by allowing you to hot-reload code where you can see all your changes to code during developmentDreggen 4ons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
CSS Workshop: Mastering 3D Animations
Let's take a deep dive into the world of perspective and movement, and open ourselves to a new dimension (literally) of CSS.
Join us and learn how to harness the power of CSS to add depth to your elements and spice up your design with animated 3D buttons, menus, info cards, and more. This is a fully 'Hands-on' workshop, with a lot of live-coding, aimed for intermediate level developers who want to advance their CSS skills, and advanced developers who want to improve their knowledge on animations and perspective in CSS.Dreggen 7ons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
Arbeidsplassen 2.0: Inkludering og kulturbygging på tvers av generasjoner
Vi vil dykke ned i hvordan bedrifter og ledere kan lykkes bedre i å bygge en fremtidsrettet arbeidsplass som favner alle generasjoner. Vi vil utforske forventninger til arbeidsgivere, og hvordan arbeidstakeres kjerneverdier som; fleksibilitet, mening og digitalt fokus påvirker hvordan arbeidsplassen bør organiseres. Videre vil vi se på tiltak for hvordan virksomheter kan skape en bærekraftig og inkluderende kultur som engasjerer ansatte på tvers av aldersgrupper.
Arbeidsinkludering står sentralt: Hvordan sikrer vi at mangfold og ulikhet ikke bare aksepteres, men verdsettes, slik at alle ansatte, uansett alder eller bakgrunn, føler seg sett og inkludert? Gjennom praktiske råd og konkrete eksempler vil foredraget gi innsikt i hvordan man bygger en arbeidskultur som fremmer samhold, kreativitet og langsiktig suksess.
Gjennom dette foredraget får arbeidsgivere og ledere konkrete verktøy for å skape en fremtidsrettet arbeidskultur som resonnerer med en arbeidsplass hvor generasjoner har forskjellige behov, samtidig som man kan stille krav til sine ansatte på en effektiv måte. Deltakerne vil bli utfordret på hva man ligger i begrepet inkluderende arbeidsplass med fokus på generasjonelementet, gjennom å identifisere usynlige barrierer mellom generasjoner på arbeidsplassen. Det vil bli lagt frem caser fra ulike generasjonsperspektiver.Dreggen 8ons. 13:45 - 15:15 -
Navigating Agile Transformations in a Crisis: From Thunderstorm to Smooth Sailing
As if agile transformations weren't challenging enough on their own, imagine what it takes to achieve the same ambitious results when your team is in a free fall - or at least it feels like it. In this talk, I will share the story of not just keeping the project afloat, but also maintaining high delivery standards, team spirit, and one's peace of mind along the way. We’ll explore some hands-on strategies for using Agile practices with a touch of psychology to keep the sails up during agile transformation amidst crisis, even when the winds are unpredictable.
Kongesalen 1-4ons. 14:15 - 14:45 -
A short journey with mob programming
Ever thought about trying mob programming? Come listen to this introduction to mob programming and learn from the ups and downs my team faced when trying it out for the first time. Like everything mob programming is a skill that needs to be learned, but I hope this talk will give you some stepping stones for your own journey.
Kongesalen 2-3tor. 09:00 - 09:30 -
Hendelsesdrevet utvikling med Leesah Game!
I NAV utvikler vi moderne systemer i hendelsesdrevet mikrotjenestearkitektur som skal løse fremtidens arbeids- og velferdsbehov. Nå vil vi lære dere mer om hvordan vi bygger applikasjoner og hvordan hendelsesdrevne systemer kan brukes til å løse komplekse utfordringer.
Vi kommer til å presentere viktige prinsipper bak hendelsesdrevne systemer før vi kjører i gang med et “gamified” opplegg hvor dere koder sammen to og to. Gjennom kurset skal dere utvikle en applikasjon som kobles mot Kafka for å motta utfordringer deres applikasjon må håndtere. Dette blir en morsom workshop med litt utfordring og mye moro!
Hvis du er interessert i å lære mer om hendelsesdrevne systemer og hvordan vi jobber i NAV er denne workshopen for deg! Vi anbefaler at du har noe kjennskap til Python og/eller programmering, men du trenger ikke være en ekspert.
Ta med pc/mac til kurset
Før kurset:
* Installer en valgfri IDE
* Velg et programmeringsspråk
* Python 3.10 (eller nyere) –
* Go 1.21 (eller nyere) -
* Node 22 (eller nyere) -
* Ta gjerne en titt på
* Introduksjon av hendelsesdrevne systemer, Kafka og Rapids and rivers. (Ca 30 min)
* Introduksjon av Leesah Game. (Ca 15 min)
* Oppsett og første oppgave. (Ca 15 min) Deltakerne setter opp maskinene sine og gjør første oppgave i fellesskap.
* Gametime. (Ca 1,5 time) Deltakerne spiller Leesah Game
* Avslutning og premieutdeling. (Ca 15 min)Kongesalen 4tor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Fra PoC til Shock! En smidig reaksjonsspill-workshop.
Har du hatt lyst til å jobbe med smidig produktutvikling, men ennå ikke fått muligheten? Har du jobbet smidig, men ikke helt etter forventninger?
I denne morsomme hands-on workshopen, vil du få en mulighet til å jobbe iterativt, i et tverrfaglig team, med videreutvikling av et reaksjonsspill - fullstendig uten konsekvenser!
Reaksjonsspillet består av en mikrokontroller; enkel spill-logikk, i form av simpel kode; og prototyp av hardware-komponenter, som utgjør sensorer og brytere i spillet. Produktet bærer tydelig preg av å være en Proof of Concept (PoC), der både hardware of software har kjente feil og mangler. Teamet vil måtte implementere forbedringer/utvidelser for å gjøre produktet mer stabilt og brukervennlig. Prosessen vil bli ledsaget av erfarne produktutviklere og UXere fra Kantega, med mange års erfaring i bruken av smidige prinsipper.
Med hvert deres oppgavehefte, vil dere bli gitt konkrete oppgaver, spørsmål, hint og tips, der smidig arbeidsmetodikk danner grunnlaget for framgangsmåten.
Er du en UXer, designer, utvikler, produkteier, tester, prosjektleder, eller bare har veldig sansen for god produktutviklingsstrategi? Ta med en laptop eller en tablet, med moderne browser, og et åpent og kreativt sinn! Vi stiller med saks, papir, kobber-tape, krokodilleklemmer, mikrokontroller, kraftig batteri (?), glitter og stas!
Workshopen vil gi deg verdifull hands-on erfaring fra en kompakt og målrettet smidig utviklingsprosess, der brukersentrert produktforbedring står i høysetet!Kongesalen 5tor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm, ArgoCD... What?
What do all these buzzwords mean, and what do they have in common?
Perhaps you have to interact with it daily (and have no clue what you are doing), or perhaps you have a cool SRE team that has abstracted away all the complexity into something self-serviceable. But how does enterprise scale services? What actually happens when you push to Github?
We will learn all about GitOps, and how to set up a small container cluster on your own computer!Bugårdentor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Disconnect : learn to paint (again)
As children we all had to learn how to express ourselves with paint, and paper. Rediscover the joy of painting with this session. No matter if you are an emerging hobbyist or more experienced artist, perhaps you just want to try out forgotten skills, or just want to disconnect for a moment.
Learn how to paint (again) with watercolors (aquarelles).
Learn about paper, colors, paint techniques, and most importantly: how to express yourself.
The guide for this workshop is Ewian, a local artist and a part of Magneten Art collective.Dreggen 2tor. 09:00 - 16:30 -
Bli kjent med React Server Components
Med React 19 innføres en av de mest spennende nyhetene i React på lang tid: React Server Components (RSCs).
"Hva er React Server Components?" spør du kanskje. Veldig kort fortalt kan RSCs sees på som server-side rendering (SSR) på steroider.
Litt mindre kort fortalt kan RSCs selv hente data og rendres i sin helhet på serveren. Den produserte HTMLen fra komponenten blir så streamet til klienten hvor den flettes automagisk inn i komponent-treet 🤯
"Hva er så fordelene med dette? Hvordan skiller det seg fra måten vi skrev komponenter på tidligere? Hvorfor skal jeg bry meg?". Du stiller mange spørsmål.
I løpet av denne workshopen så kommer du til å bli litt klokere på alt dette. Vi kommer til å starte med en presentasjon på en liten halvtime før du selv skal få lov til å bygge en React-applikasjon som bruker React Server Components.Dreggen 4tor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Process 1 billion rows and save the world
Green computing is a growing trend, both for the environment and for saving cloud costs. For developers, this means understanding how to write efficient software.
The popular "1 Billion Row Challenge" ( is a fun tool to get hands-on experience in how various coding techniques can make a difference. Cutting your processing time by 90% is easier than you might think!
First we will focus on writing code that can read an input file of 14 gigabytes in the first place, and perform necessary processing to get a basic solution for the "1 Billion Row Challenge".
Then we will move on to learning how to use a profiler and basic techniques like memory mapped file access, zero-copy, allocation-free-processing and parallelization, to get the processing below 60 seconds.
The main workshop guidance will be for compiled languages (Zig, C++) on Linux. However, the principles used are applicable to any language on any OS, so it is perfectly fine to show up with your favorite language and environment. We will provide some basic resources and code examples for at least Java, C#, Python and Go, and may well add more if given advance notice.
Basic programming knowledge is required. If you can write a "Hello world!" program without assistance, you're good to go. You will need to bring a laptop with a working development environment.Dreggen 7tor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Hands on workshop: Building a culture of innovation and improvement by making people feel safe
In today’s fast-moving world, it’s super important for teams to be innovative and improving continously. But this can’t happen without everyone feeling safe to take risks, share ideas, and admit mistakes without being scared of getting in trouble.
In this workshop, we’ll look at how to make people feel safe so they can trust each other and work together better. You’ll leave with practical tools, new insights, and the experience of seeing how even small actions can make a big difference in trust and team dynamics.
We’ll do some fun experiments, group activities, and get feedback to learn how to build trust quickly and create a space where continuous improvement and innovation can happen.
By the end of this workshop you’ll:
1. Understand why feeling safe is so important for innovation and improvement
2. Experience first-hand how trust can be tested and built in a group
3. Learn easy ways to make people feel safe and build trust
4. Leave with tools and exercises you can use to create a safe, collaborative and innovative culture
Join us to this fun workshop giving you easy approach to build trust and safety your teams need to be creative, work together better and keep innovating.Dreggen 8tor. 09:00 - 10:30 -
Walk and talk up mount Ulriken
With its elevation of 643 meters Ulriken is the highest of the seven mountains surrounding Bergen. Mount Ulriken is great for hiking and of course a perfect spot for tech talks with the amazing view over the city.
The hike starts with a taxi from the hotel to Montana Vandrerhjem Bergen. It is also possible to join the hike directly from Montana Vandrerhjem Bergen at (insert time), but please send a SMS to 47646343 if you intend to do that.
The main part consists of great stone-built stairs built by Sherpas from Nepal. There are integrated pause benches and viewpoints along the way to the top. Brig suitable clothing and be prepared for a challenge!
It is a 1.5 hour hike up the Sherpa steps towards Ulriken. On the top we will enjoy a hot chocolate and good tech discussions before we take the cable car and taxis back to town.Mount Ulrikentor. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Historia om designsystemet Aksel (NAV)
I dette innlegget vil ein få høyre historia om Aksel og utviklinga frå eit designsystem som ikkje var skalert for ein moderne produktorganisasjon til å bli ei verktøykasse for digital produktutvikling som er god likt og veldig mykje brukt i NAV. Innhaldet vil ha følgjande element:
Kort om bakgrunnen til kvifor vi fekk lage Aksel
Arbeid med visjon og strategi og merkevare, og kvifor dette har vore heilt vesentleg for den posisjonen vi har i dag.
Korleis bygge det rette teamet
Justering av arbeidsmetodikk (radical focus), og kvifor det er viktig med mål
Slik jobber teamet i det daglege med design, kode og uu
Kvifor eit designsystem er heilt vesentleg for ein stor organisasjon som NAVKongesalen 2-3tor. 09:30 - 10:00 -
Practical Domain-Driven Design - Case Study from Healthcare
In many cross-functional teams we encounter communication challenges between different roles in the team. Making domain experts, designers, testers, developers and tech leads align on the shared understanding is not an easy task. This is mainly due to different perspectives that each team member brings to the table, each perspective being a valid one however not adequate on its own. The different perspectives are particularly visible when reasoning about different approaches to the decomposition of the domain problem at hand which leads to different perceptions of subdomains and bounded contexts.
In this case study we will go through different models of domain problem decomposition that helped align the perspectives in a cross-functional team in the healthcare domain. We will go through functional, role-based, user-context based and business capability based decomposition along with pros and cons of each approach, backed up by the feedback provided by the impact each approach had on the data ownership in resulting bounded contexts.
We will wrap-up with the reasoning behind the choice the team actually made and how it played out in structuring the code base, delivering value to their customers, and how it impacted the different roles in the team.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 10:00 - 10:30 -
Zero-bug policy success
Zero-bug policies are usually controversial, misunderstood, or both. Meanwhile, you probably live with a backlog of open bugs that you don’t expect to resolve any time soon. But you could. Zero-bug policies matter, because swarms of unfixed bugs waste time, hurt team morale, cause soul-destroying meetings, make development slow and unpredictable, and destroy customer trust.
This experience report from a Norwegian start-up in 2024 describes the journey from firefighting daily bug reports, to fixing the last open bug, and the joy of development with zero open bugs. Attendees will learn about the practical side of implementing a zero-bug policy, from introducing the idea, to achieving its goals. Our story includes the team dynamics of agreeing to give it a try, the objections and risks, and other implementation challenges. You’ll learn about why it’s worth the effort to fix (almost) all of the bugs, and which ones you can ignore.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 10:50 - 11:20 -
Rescue those Retros 🛟
Retrospectives are supposed to help our teams continuously improve. But where do we turn when our retros continuously fall flat? The same issues come up over and over, but your team can’t seem to get traction on them. When you feel like you’re living the dev team version of Groundhog Day… it's time to rescue those retros.
In this workshop, you’ll take part in a variety of exercises aimed at helping you figure out how to guide a team out of its retro rut. You’ll learn about the foundations of effective retrospectives: those non-negotiable elements that must be in place for retros to succeed. And drawing from design thinking principles and W. Edwards Deming’s work on the science of improvement, we’ll help you identify what to start, stop, and continue doing to get your team’s retros back on track.
Note: If you’re on a team that has (or needs!) retros, this workshop is designed for you – regardless of whether you’re a facilitator.Dreggen 8tor. 10:50 - 12:20 -
Beyond Yes or No: The Power of Sentence Completion in Survey Design
Great research starts with asking the right questions. Whether designing surveys, conducting interviews, or running usability tests, poorly designed questions can lead to biased answers and unreliable insights. This talk delves into the psychology behind how people respond to questions, offering practical strategies for overcoming biases and uncover accurate feedback.
In this session, you’ll discover how to:
• Make surveys more effective and get them working for you
• Design questions that reduce bias and build trust wit respondents
• Harness the power of sentence completion, a lightweight yet powerful technique that reveals deeper insights beyond standard checkboxes
Filled with examples and actionable advice, this talk will empower UX professionals, designers, and tech teams to ask better questions.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 11:20 - 11:50 -
Luftslottet som ble virkelighet
NAV kjører nå mesteparten av systmene sine i almenn sky. Denne presentasjonen vil fortelle historien om hvordan NAv i sky begynte som et luftslott og ble virkelighet.
Jeg vil komme innom teknologi, strategi, sikkerhet og organisering.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 11:50 - 12:20 -
Electrifying Norway with F# and DDD
Imagine inheriting a large C# legacy codebase for electrical transmission line modeling software. It desperately needs love. Where do you start? What would happen if you rewrote its core parts to F# with Domain-Driven Design in mind?
It turns out that Units of Measure, Expressions-only syntax, Immutability, and Exhaustive Pattern Matching are incredibly useful features of F#. Combined with Domain-Driven Design (DDD), strongly typing your domain with Algebraic Data Types in F# has never been easier.
Join me as I take you through our rewriting journey with specific examples. There was some agony involved, but it was mostly pure fun!Kongesalen 1tor. 13:10 - 13:40 -
Hvordan sensorteknologi og brukersentrert utvikling kan gi verdi for sykehusets operasjonsavdeling
Når man skal gjennomføre en operasjon på sykehuset, er det selvsagt viktig at utstyret som trengs under operasjonen er tilgjengelig og klart til bruk. Men har du noen gang tenkt på logistikken som ligger bak det å ha rett utstyr, til rett tid og på rett operasjonssal? Flere av sykehusene i Helse Vest har nylig fått eller får snart nye operasjonsavdelinger. I denne presentasjonen vil jeg fortelle om hvordan Seksjon for Utvikling hos Helse Vest IKT, ved å benytte smidig utvikling og tett brukermedvirkning, har utviklet en løsning som integrerer data fra fagsystemer og posisjonssensorer på operasjonsutstyret, og sammenstiller dette på en måte som gir økt effektivitet og trygghet i sterilforsyningskjeden. I en bransje som preges av store prosjekter, tunge prosesser og lange beslutningsveier, har vi vist at intern egenutvikling med en smidig metodikk og hyppige produksjonssettinger gir stor verdi for de sykehusansatte, og at mulighet for justeringer i løsningen, når det viser seg at arbeidsprosessene ble litt annerledes enn hva man hadde planlagt på forhånd, er essensielt for en god brukeropplevelse og øker effektiviteten og tryggheten i en svært presset arbeidshverdag.
Kongesalen 1tor. 13:40 - 14:10 -
Unraveling Chaos: Streamlining Business Rules with Kotlin Multiplatform at Posten Bring
Do you have a complex business rule-set problem? You know the kind where you have business rules (logic) spread across multiple platforms, systems and applications? Some of them might even be alter egos of the same rule hiding in different apps. You never know which one might turn up where, there is no single source of truth, solving errors takes hours of debugging, and making changes requires (oftentimes) painful coordination across teams and applications (ugh).
We faced this exact challenge at Posten Bring As - Norwegian National Postal Service founded way back in 1647 - a 377-year-old institution with software spanning more generations than most families! Our business logic was scattered across multiple platforms, some almost as old as the company itself (well, not quite, but it sure felt like it).
In my session I’m spilling the tea. We discover how the team at century-old Norwegian postal services giant tackled modern challenges with cutting-edge technology.
We’ll look through real-world use cases at Posten Bring. We’ll reflect on what we did - key learnings, what went well and most importantly - what didn’t quite go as planned. We’ll also look through some resources to get started. We'll learn how KMP provides a unified framework for code sharing and execution across various platforms to solve the challenge of different codebases targeting different runtimes.
This talk is for you if troublesome and unruly business logic keeps you up at night and you want that to end NOW. It is also for you if you like to hear a good story.Kongesalen 1tor. 14:10 - 14:40 -
Nettlesere uten tilsyn
Content Security Policy (CSP)-headeren er et viktig verktøy når man sikrer nettsider.
Dette er et forsøk på å forklare CSP som en slags barnevakt for nettlesere, illustrert med håndtegna forklaringer.
Denne presentasjonen vil forklare CSP på en slik måte at du aldri vil glemme hva det er for noe og hvorfor du bør ha det på din nettside.Kongesalen 1tor. 15:00 - 15:10 -
Ouvroir de Code Potentiel
The Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (Workshop of potential literature) movement, founded in the 1960s, explored creativity by applying strict constraints to writing. These constraints — like avoiding specific letters or using mathematical structures — forced authors to think differently and produced unique literary works.
In this lightning talk, we’ll apply the principles of Oulipo to programming. By reimagining familiar programming exercises with unusual rules and restrictions, we’ll explore how constraints can lead to new insights and approaches in coding. This approach, though unconventional, offers valuable lessons in problem-solving and creativity in software development.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 15:00 - 15:10 -
Glem copilot! - Hva som er mulig med en hjemmelaget AI Assistent
Sikkerhet er den største utfordringen rundt nye personaliserte AI verktøy. Den beste løsningen på dette er å aldri sende ut personlige data til nettet.
Heldigvis finnes det mange open source LLM modeller som vi kan ta i bruk. I denne lyntalen så skal vi se på hva som er mulig med et on-prem AI verktøy som brukes til alt fra code generering til en personalisert chatbot.Kongesalen 4tor. 15:00 - 15:10 -
En reise i geospatiale tidsserier
Er du klar over hvilke muligheter du har med postgreSQL?
I denne talken viser jeg frem 3 fiffige features med postgres du kan bruke til å håndtere geospatiale tidsserier i ukjente domener. En kort intro til temaene json, tidsserier og geolokasjoner for å håndtere en endeløs strøm av geospatiale data for båter i norske farvann.
Historien dreier seg om AIS-data fra båter i norske farvann fra kystverket presentert av en mobil-app lagd av foredragsholder. (appen er gratis, dette er ikke en salespitch)Kongesalen 1tor. 15:10 - 15:20 -
Parse Now or Validate Forever
"Wait, haven't I already done that?"
Unless you're a compiler, whether a particular value has and hasn't been validated isn't always obvious. Do you verify that the value has been validated somewhere else, or would you rather double-check for some extra peace of mind? Neither of these options are particularly appealing, so what can we do instead? By putting the type system to work, we can become certain that a value has been validated where we need it. Boost your confidence in your code with *parsing*: Structure your inputs at the very edge of your API, and say farewell to endless validation.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 15:10 - 15:20 -
Stop saying "Thank you" to AI
Ai is getting better by the day and it is only the beginning. As end users and a living creature on earth, we need to wake up to the environmental cost of research, development and upkeep. Even a small "Thank you" message to ChatGPT is wasting resources elsewhere.
The challenge is even more pressing now that OpenAI has removed its non-profit control.Kongesalen 4tor. 15:10 - 15:20 -
Bør utviklere tenke på sikkerhetspolitikk når de kjøper laptop?
Da jeg startet som konsulent, mottok jeg en e-post med spørsmål om hvilken type datamaskin jeg foretrakk: en PC med Windows/Linux eller en Mac. Jeg valgte førstnevnte og fikk deretter en Lenovo-PC.
Er det uvesentlig at norske IT-selskaper rutinemessig kjøper maskinvare produsert i Kina, samtidig som USA aktivt forsøker å begrense Kinas tilgang til avanserte mikroprosessorer og halvledere?
I denne lyntalen skal jeg presentere hvorfor IT-bransjen har et særskilt ansvar med tanke på Norges sikkerhetspolitikk, og hvilke valg vi kan ta med hensyn til maskinvare.Kongesalen 1tor. 15:20 - 15:30 -
Why Less Code Isn’t Always Better
Have you ever come across a piece of code that's been "optimized" so much that it is impossible to read?
Let’s talk about the fine line between making code efficient and turning it into a cryptic mess. I’ll share some funny examples of code that’s been boiled down to one-liners or clever tricks that look cool... until you try to figure out what they actually do. In this quick talk, we’ll explore why readable code is sometimes better than the "simplified" version, and how to strike a balance between elegance and clarity.Kongesalen 2-3tor. 15:20 - 15:30 -
AI Assisted Coding for Kids
You may share my experience trying to teach kids about coding, but learning the hard way that console.log("Hello world") simply doesn't do it. They want to make Fortnite in an hour, and quickly loose interest.
In this talk, I will show how using AI assistants can help making these introductory programming sessions much more interesting, as I will showcase a course I have developed that introduces coding through cool, practical problem solving tasks.
Do you know how many ways a ten-year-old can find to get off a deserted island?Kongesalen 4tor. 15:20 - 15:30 -
Craving Cookies: Why GDPR Can’t Stop Us from Sharing Data
GDPR aimed to put consumers in control of their data, but our love for convenience and cookie-clicking habits persist. Biases like present bias keep us stuck in the privacy paradox, where we care about privacy but act otherwise.
Kongesalen 1tor. 15:30 - 15:40 -
APIs as socio-technical agreements
An API is a multilateral socio-technical agreement to collaborate. Unfortunately a lot of aspects of the collaboration tend to be left unspecified, which causes all kinds of problems. A technical specification for the API is just the beginning. Many other things should be agreed upon as well. How long does the provider team commit to offer the API, and under what conditions? How will the upkeep of the API be financed? What is the SLA? What is the expected rate of change, and how will change will be handled? How will bugs be addressed? What do the consumers commit to? Often these things are naively left undefined, to be worked out by an ad-hoc mixture of power dynamics, conscience and available resources. Instead, these issues should be addressed head-on, making the negotiations explicit rather than implicit. In this talk, we'll take a closer look at the socio-technical issues concerning APIs, see how we can address them in a structured way, and discuss some patterns that can be applied in various contexts.
Kongesalen 2-3tor. 15:30 - 15:40 -
Hvordan håndtere bias i data
Dårlige data kan gjøre stor skade. Jeg skal gå gjennom syv ulike typer bias og hvor i ML-prosessen de kan gjøre skade. Hvilke av dem er vanskeligst å håndtere for hhv designere, beslutningstakere eller ledere?
Kongesalen 4tor. 15:30 - 15:40 -
World Beyond Summit – en metode for scenariobygging
Verden forandrer seg raskt, og det er ikke alltid lett å vite hva som vil gjøre produktene våre relevante i fremtiden. Vi må slutte å spørre brukerne om hva som er fremtidens behov, men heller forstå mer hvordan større drivkrefter kan snu opp ned på hverdagen deres.
I dette foredraget viser jeg hvordan produktteam kan bruke scenariobygging for å navigere i usikkerhet og ta smartere valg. Jeg tar dere gjennom et konkret case som viser hvordan dette gjøres i praksis med eksempler på verktøy som vi har utviklet for scenariobygging.Kongesalen 2-3fre. 09:00 - 09:30 -
User Authentication: A Deep Dive
In this workshop we’ll explore how user authentication works, risks involved, and common attacks targeting authentication systems. Through a mix of lectures, group discussions, and hands-on labs, you’ll develop a stronger understanding of secure authentication principles.
This workshop is ideal for anyone involved in designing or building applications that require user authentication. By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of authentication challenges and strategies, making it easier to address them in your future projects.Kongesalen 4fre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Becoming a code crime investigator
Traditionally, code analysis focuses on one metric: code complexity. With this narrow approach we disregard the treasure trove of behavioural information found in our version control system.
In this workshop we'll explore tools and concepts from Adam Tornhill's book "Your Code as a Crime Scene", using data-driven analysis to investigate code for clues hidden in our version control systems.
After we've demoed and looked at how to do these behavioural analyses on big open source projects like React and Kuberenetes, you will be running similar analyses on your own codebase. The analysis is code agnostic, and is run locally on your own computer.
Some of the analyses we'll be doing includes:
* Identifying and visualizing "hotspots", a.k.a. areas with high rime rates. That is, modules where code are complex and changes are frequent. In other words, prime candidates for your future refactoring efforts.
* Discovering partners in crime. How does two or more modules change together over time? Expose hidden dependencies and couplings in or across repositories and projects, and reveal which seemingly unrelated files has to change after a code edit.
By the end you should have produced both visualizations and data about your existing codebase that can be used to guide future decisions in whatever project you're currently working on.
Bring a laptop and one or more projects that uses Git as their version control system.Kongesalen 5fre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Observability with OpenTelemetry: From Idea to Insight
OpenTelemetry might be the biggest thing that has happened in the OpenSource ecosystem since Kubernetes. With a much steeper contribution graph, and the recent General Availability of the specification, OpenTelemetry is now ready for prime time with more and more observability vendors supporting the standard.
Getting insights from your applications is absolutely vital for modern software development teams that want to release new functionality with confidence. The process of programming your application to give this insight is often called instrumentation and we often refer to the three pillars of observability; logs, metrics and tracing.
The instrumentation itself can be a hassle and will take some time depending on the size and of the application and how modern the framework and libraries are, but it is manageable. The real value comes when you instrument enough of the applications within a team or a business domain.
This also brings us to the challenge – instrumentation technology that works across different languages and frameworks without having to rewrite those applications from scratch. Different vendors have been providing this as their secret sauce if you accept to be cemented into their walled garden and lock this vital information in their monitoring system. Until now with OpenTelemetry! The universal telemetry toolkit for all your observability needs.
OpenTelemetry is a graduated CNCF project with first release in 2019 after OpenCensus and OpenTracing decided to merge. It has support for all major programming languages (Java, .NET, Go, Python, ++) and more and frameworks such as (Spring ++) has built in support for OpenTelemetry. All major monitoring tools and platforms (such as the Grafana stack) are contributing and supporting OpenTelemetry in one way or another.
In this workshop, you will learn how to get a modern observability stack up and running with the open source monitoring platform from Grafana – the LGTM stack (Loki, Grafana, Temp and Mimir). You will also learn how to instrument different applications with OpenTelemetry SDK and agent, to gain insight into the application’s performance.Bugårdenfre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
From zero to your own blog
Have you often thought that you want to write more? That you should dust off an old blog or set up a new one? Or that writing is hard and you don’t know how to start? This is the opportunity you have been waiting for!
This workshop is for anyone who wants to kick-start a new writing habit — and to get a site of their own with blog posts in Markdown. We will set up a minimal project with static site generator Eleventy that publishes to GitHub Pages. I have different approaches depending on your background, and you do not need to be a developer. Technical requirements are a laptop and a GitHub account. If you are a person who wants to run a local development server with Node.js and you prefer to procrastinate on any actual writing by tweaking the configuration and the code of your new site, this can also be what you do during this workshop. But the rest of us… we will help each other brainstorm ideas for topics, practice making shitty first drafts, and motivate each other to turn drafts into published posts.
You can find my writing on: 3fre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Let's build web experiences that don't make people puke.
An actually interactive accessibility workshop about motion sickness
Dreggen 4fre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Build your own keyboard, why ergonomic keyboards matter
A lot of people build their own keyboards to get the perfect fit for their hands, and we will teach you how to solder, desolder, and how to build your own minikeyboard (a macropad), which is a great foundation for a full custom build at a later occasion.
We will bring a selection of ergonomic keyboards for you to program, and of course, try for yourself!
The instructors are keyboard enthusiasts, both for hobbyist and health reasons.Dreggen 7fre. 09:00 - 12:20 -
Let's Get Physical!
Most of us spend an ungodly number of hours — often seated — in front of our machines. And those of us who’ve been in the game for a little while know all too well that the IT-worker lifestyle sure can take a toll on the body. 🙈
But it doesn’t have to be that way! 🎉 Join us for a unique, super hands-on session where you'll learn a ton of practical tips for offsetting work’s wear and tear on your body and mind. Guided by a developer with over 20 years of experience in physiotherapy, we’ll practice techniques for managing stress and preventing our postures from getting even worse. None of these activities require equipment beyond your desk and chair. And they’re great to practice after hours of sitting and watching conference talks! 😉
* Please note that this workshop includes some exercises involving physical touch between participants. All exercises are optional; participants can skip them if they please.Dreggen 8fre. 09:00 - 10:30 -
Navigating Thunderstorms: The Innovation Behind Yr’s Lightning Map
Yr is a collaboration between the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET). This collaboration has been crucial in the process of building our flexible map solution.
In this talk we will recount parts of how we built our current map solution, starting with no prior knowledge of WebGL or shader programming. Using these technologies combined with the open-source library MapLibre, we have created map layers displaying wind, temperature, lightning and precipitation.
We are going to put a spotlight on our lightning map, which processes and visualizes real-time data within seconds after a lightning strike. We’ll dive into the challenges, the tech we used, and how we made this map come to life.
Whether you're a developer or a weather enthusiast, this talk will give you a glimpse into the tools and technology behind our map solution.Kongesalen 2-3fre. 09:30 - 10:00 -
Swipe left on Agile pitfalls so you can swipe right on DevOps!
Agile has been embraced by organizations worldwide to meet the dynamic market conditions and customer demands through iterative development and delivery. At its core the Agile promise was better, more responsive and efficient ways to deliver software while maintaining a close connection with the customer and empowering teams to innovate and adapt.
But there is an increasingly unsettling feeling in many teams and organizations and many are ready to swipe left on Agile due to the pitfalls and missteps on the way. But this is a goldmine that DevOps teams can learn from. In this talk, we will delve into how the overemphasis on processes, tools, metrics, events & high focus on speed of delivery has led to this situation and how DevOps teams can avoid getting burnt by similar pitfalls. We will talk about what really matters to rise above the theatrics to derive real value for your teams and organization.
This session will focus on how to get DevOps strategy & implementation right so you can swipe right on DevOps!Kongesalen 2-3fre. 10:00 - 10:30 -
Building Successful Developer Platforms: Navigating Tech Complexity as a Product Manager
Companies have begun adopting platform engineering practices to address the increasing complexity of modern software architectures. As concepts from Team Topologies have gained popularity, more organizations are investing in building platforms, complex subsystems, and other products for internal use. They do this to manage software's growing complexity and expense by separating concerns into micro-services that can be managed in isolation. This allows organizations to have specialist functionality built by experts, while teams without specialized knowledge can use these features through a simplified interaction model.
In this presentation, I will share my experience in building a successful scalable observability platform. Additionally, I will discuss the challenges and cargo cults of adopting product management practices for internal products, and explore the difference between being customer-focused and problem-focused.Kongesalen 2-3fre. 10:50 - 11:20 -
Improve your improv!
Public speaking often range in the top 3 of what people are most afraid of. This workshop aims to challenge this, since improv theatre should fight for first place!
This is a repeat of last years successful workshop, where over 30 attendees joined in on the fun!
The workshop draws from the speakers experience from improvisational theater, and includes a set of unique exercises that embraces change, welcome failure and cultivate a sense of openness in a supportive environment.
The exercises you learn at this workshop are perfect for teambuilding at your workplace, all while having an absolute blast.
No prior experience is necessary. The workshop is open to all, regardless of your background. Here's a non inclusive list of what you do NOT need:
You don't need any theater knowledge.
You don't have to be an extrovert.
You don't need to be a student.
You don't even have to consider yourself humorous.Dreggen 8fre. 10:50 - 12:15 -
Teaching an old dog new tricks : Modern Deployment Techniques on Legacy Platform
Deploying modern technologies on a legacy platform often feels like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. As an enterprise SaaS, itslearning must adopt fast, low-cost strategies while working within the constraints of legacy infrastructure. In this presentation, we’ll share the story of how we managed to use the latest deployment techniques, even though our platform wasn’t designed to support them.
Kongesalen 2-3fre. 11:20 - 11:50 -
Transforming Energy Trading with a Real-Time Streaming Data Platform
I will share Eviny Fornybar’s journey from a traditional SQL Server environment to a cutting-edge real-time data platform, showcasing how it is used in algorithmic trading within the energy market. I’ll briefly discuss the challenges we encountered and the key decisions that shaped our path through Databricks and Kafka, before ultimately arriving at a platform where NATS with Jetstream forms the backbone. Join us to learn how we built a platform that delivers both real-time and historical data capabilities, that supports fast decision-making and strategic insights
Kongesalen 2-3fre. 11:50 - 12:20 - Hvordan bygger vi skuta om til et containerskip mens vi er i fart. er på en moderniseringsreise for å for å holde tritt med teknologiens fremgang og endrede brukerbehov. Denne talken tar for seg overgangen fra en monolittisk IT-arkitektur til en moderne, skalerbar løsning ved hjelp av .Net og Kubernetes – alt mens vi holder tjenestene i drift.
I talken snakker jeg om hvordan en stor utviklingsorganisasjon tar innover seg en helt nye verktøy og metoder, samtidig som vi golder farten oppe. Hvilke utfordringer har vi møtt underveis, og hvordan har vi løst dem. Vi snakker genbrukbare løsninger og GitOps i stor skala.Kongesalen 1fre. 13:30 - 14:00 -
Fra kaos til kontroll: Hvordan prosess bygger modenhet i utviklingsteam
Alle utviklingsteam er forskjellige, men én ting de har til felles er at behovet for prosess varierer med deres modenhetsnivå. I dette foredraget vil jeg dele historien om et av våre utviklingsteam som slet med betydelig teknisk gjeld og jobbet etter skippertaksmetoden når en frist nærmet seg. Da jeg kom inn i teamet, ble det raskt klart at en mer strukturert prosess var nødvendig for å få arbeidet på rett spor og sikre bærekraftig utvikling.
Denne presentasjonen illustrerer hvordan prosessbehovet endret seg etter hvert som teamet vokste i modenhet. Det er en historie om å finne balansen mellom styring og frihet – en reise fra å stramme inn til å slippe løs, og hvordan dette påvirket teamets effektivitet, produktivitet og samhold.Kongesalen 2-3fre. 13:30 - 14:00 -
Fake it till you make it - a tale from two developers on their journey through imposter syndrome
Is the concept of «imposter syndrome” unfamiliar to you? Of course not! If you are a developer who haven’t heard of or felt the imposter syndrome then you are definitely the exception and not the rule. So how to overcome this obstacle, find the confidence in yourself and reach your potential? In this session you will hear from two people who have been in the industry for over 20 years. They will share their aspect both as developers and as females on how the imposter syndrome have affected them, what they have learnt and where the journey has taken them.
Kongesalen 4fre. 13:30 - 14:00